Be able to answer these questions and theology concerns:

NOTE: The answers to these questions are not provided. Intentionally. You must come to an understanding of how to answer these questions based on your own theological convictions.

Will my profoundly disabled child go to heaven?

It is not enough to say “do not worry about it.” Prayerfully consider your answer.

We don’t come on Communion Sunday anymore because my mother with Dementia wants to take communion, but I don’t know if she is a Christian.

How would you handle this family’s concern about mom wanting to participate in communion? How do you support the family after you guide them with your answer? Prayerfully consider your answer.

Will you baptize the 16 year old child who may never be able to articulate an understanding of Jesus’ saving work? Do they participate in communion?

How about the family who missed baptizing their child as an infant? Prayerfully consider your answer.

Why was my child born this way?

What scripture verses would you point this family to? Prayerfully consider your answer.

How can I believe God is love and full of mercy when there is so much suffering?

How does Christ’s suffering help us answer this question? Prayerfully consider your answer.

How can people accuse me of sin and a lack of faith because my child is not healed by prayer?

Christians still do this to families who experience disability! Prayerfully consider your answer.

How can the church tell me to go worship somewhere else?

This happens all the time. Consider how detrimental it is not only to the family but to the faith community that is now denied their presence. Prayerfully consider your answer.

Does a disability prevent someone from being ordained for ministry?

How does their lived experience impact a calling to ministry? Prayerfully consider your answer.

Miraculous healing doesn’t happen anymore or else my cancer would be healed.

What scriptural guidance would you give this person? Prayerfully consider your answer.

These are real questions, real issues believers are faced with today.

Being ready with an answer based on Scripture – not just personal opinion – will serve your ministry well.