Ideas, Videos, Books

The things on this page are just a small sampling of the ideas, videos and book resources that are available. If you don’t see something that helps with your situation, reach out via the Contact page and Michelle will help you as best she can.

Ideas to troubleshoot challenges

Someone won’t sit with the group…

Consider getting a sensory cushion of air for their seat or a small bucket of dried beans with small animals hidden inside for them to find during sitting time. 

Someone keeps turning the lights off…

The fluorescent lights are likely flickering or the hum is loud and distracting to that individual. Consider natural lighting light fixtures or magnetic sensory covers for the ceiling lights.

Someone is running out of the room during music…

Loud and unpredictable music is hard for many people. If earplugs won’t help, consider noise cancelling earphones hanging on a wall near the entrance. If a person needs them, show them they are available. Provide a bucket near the exit for the used pairs for easy cleaning.

The child doesn’t like youth group and wants to come back to children’s church…

It is very important to find out why they don’t like youth group and work on solutions to keep them with their age peers. It’s likely they are not feeling like they belong. Work with the family and youth to find ways for them to feel connected.

The family with the crazy food allergies complains every time we have a potluck meal…

Food allergies/intolerances are more common than we realize. It would be an act of radical hospitality to ask EVERYONE if they have a food allergy/intolerance. Then, ask the cooks to identify if their dish has any on this list. If it’s store bought, make it a habit to keep and bring the original packaging so the family can check for themselves. 

Someone starts hitting others when a certain volunteer is helping that day…

If the volunteer is a female and one who likes her perfume… chances are very high the person is responding to the perfume. It could be causing headaches or sinus issues and the person doesn’t know how to tell you. Consider asking that volunteer to not wear perfume on the days she is serving. If that isn’t it… you must become a detective to find out why. All behavior is communication.

Books to Dive Into

There are MANY good books out there to help you learn more. This is by no means an exhaustive list but it will get you started. Consider the following:

by Dr. Stephen Grcevich

Edited by Brian Brock and John Swinton

a collaboration between RCA/CRCNA Disability Concerns, Christian Horizons, and Elim Christian Services

by Naoki Higashida